Recent neurology is understanding how movement and subsequent nerve messages to the brain are critical for optimal brain function. Dr. Stone's "Easy Stretching Postures", often called Polarity yoga are designed to effect our energy and physiologic functioning, allowing people to feel more relaxed, grounded and energized at the same time.
As a Chiropractor and Osteopath, Dr. Stone understood the value of moving, stretching and physically pressing on the body to allow for release of stuck patterns. He did this with an understanding of how these "manipulations" effected the body. At other times he simply would hold both hands on the body and allow the energy to do it's work. Dr. Evans uses both of these approaches.
Proper nutrition and hydration (enough good building blocks for cells and water) are considered essential for healing and optimal health. He recommends a vegetarian diet, high in whole, organic fresh fruits and veggies and low in processed foods of all kinds, emphasizing whole grains instead of flour and baked, broiled or steamed foods instead of anything with cooked oil. Coffee, alcohol, soda and sugar would be minimized. The recent understanding of the importance of eating low glycemic index foods supports this idea. Recent scientific research is discovering that just like there are good fats and bad fats, there are good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates. Dr. Stone understood this decades ago.
Dr. Evans does her best to "walk her talk" but not preach. She will do specific tests for the body's ability to deal with sugars and has a treatment which apparently resets the body's ability to deal with refined carbohydrates. This test and Tx comes from a chiropractic system called TBM (Total Body Management). She can also test for Ph to see if someone is too acid, a common problem for folks who eat too much processed foods like breads, pastas, pizza, hamburgers, (fast foods in general) and/or meat. Generally adding more fresh veggies and fruits and cutting down on sodas and coffee, as well as reducing red meat to 3 times per week can have a beneficial effect on one's health.
Dr. Evans' ability to help you while you are in the treatment room helps you make lifestyle changes at home. Changing your way of eating most days of the week should allow you to be healthier and still have "reward meals" at times when you give yourself permission to eat your favorite foods without guilt. Which leads to Dr. Stone's next Health Factor:
Clear Thinking
Many people are familiar with the phrase "As Above, So Below". When we are balanced spiritually, mentally and emotionally, it sets a climate in which the body can thrive. What Dr. Stone understood was, "As Below, So Above". When the body's energies are balanced this helps our spiritual mental and emotional wellbeing. Although she finds it important to look at a person's symptoms, she likes to use a "so what's right with you anyway" approach to build on your strengths as a way to put your problems in a healthier context and release tension. If problems and symptoms could be compared to darkness then what we want to look at is from where do you get the most light in your life? What makes you feel most light? Going between these two can balance the nervous system. This is a basic concept in Somatic Experiencing which is a trauma recovery systems creatied by Peter Levine, Ph.D. www.traumahealing.com
Dr. Evans has been studying, teaching and practicing Polarity Therapy since 1975 and is a Registered Polarity Practitioner. Recognizing Polarity Therapy theory as a good 'map' even though it's not the 'territory', she uses polarity concepts as her primary Energy Medicine paradigm in her holistic Integral Chiropractic approach.
She teaches privately and in groups through various organizations like the City of Redding and the Celestine Center of Healing.
She states "Polarity is at once simple and profound, and, as the old Yiddish proverb suggests, 'The higher the truth , the simpler it is'." It can therefore be easily learned by lay people as a self help tool or for their families and friends or by massage therapists, to be integrated into their massage.
Call or e-mail for an appointment for a free consultation, private lessons, sessions, current classes information or to invite her to give a complementary presentation to your organization.
For more information about Polarity Therapy please go to the official American Polarity Therapy Association web site : www.polaritytherapy.org.